Monday, May 12, 2008

Oh, the drama: Peeler's out, Erika's crush begins, and Jackie remains the Alpha Dog

Jackie and Peeler finally have it out. I have to tell you, I'd be just as upset as Peeler in that situation. I've not been a big fan of his, but I think the least Jackie could've done was simply apologize. But, from what I've seen of the show from the beginning, she doesn't hand those out very often. And this time was no exception. In fact, I believe was looking for the last straw, to finally give her that leverage to tell Peeler to buzz off. The result: Peeler shouts some profanities and rages out of her office, the gym, and Jackie's life.

In the meantime, Lisa, the little twit (cam you tell I don't like her) seems to get paid simply to take tabs on everyone in the gym, clients and trainers. And she sure has a gift to speak whatever is on her mind. Right or wrong.

I was disappointed in Gregg and how he's been handling the situation with Deenie. I know she's high-maintenance, but that's what you get paid to do. Maybe I'm wrong? I was even more disappointed in Jackie siding with Gregg on the matter, all the while making the client feel like she's not good enough, she's not paying enough, and just not important enough for her, much less Greg. Hello! Jackie, business 101, the client is king.

Okay, so what is the deal with Greg (Plitt) and Erika? They're both delicious and quite frankly hotter than Angelina and Brad. Well, maybe not that hot, but they're right up there. And, Greg actually seems like a nice guy. Hrm, do I sense some chemistry? Only time will tell. And, the photo shoot? Well, I think that went well too.


Unknown said...

Jackie sucks. I'm am so tired of her authoritarian attitude. She is a terrible role model and a horrible person. Her reaction towards Brian was irresponsible, overly aggressive and tiresomely immature. I no longer even want to watch the show to see her act like an idiot. She is ruining the show and I am tired of her thinking everthing is about her and only her.

Bryan A. said...

Erika's crush has yet to be formalized - such a beautiful woman with so many photos on her blog about lonliness. Something must be wrong.

This episode, Gregg muttered something very quickly about dehydration, carbs and making your skin sticky (kind of) prior to the photo shoot. Did you catch that? Can you post what that little blurb was. The results, it seemed, even surprised Erika who hasn't got rock-abs but wound up with a flat tummy.

Alicia, Sheila, Bea & Gus said...

I really don't get Jackie.

1) It's odd that there there are two different stories going on about who said what about Jamie. Was it Jackie or the assistant? It seems like Jamie's boyfriend overheard Jackie but that the other chick took the fall for her.

I don't understand why Jackie wouldn't talk to Peeler about it as it was his client and he has to go back to her and make sure she's comfortable using Skylab again.

2) With the Gregg and Deenie situation, I don't understand why Jackie doesn't side with Deenie. Gregg was late, and it seems like he had been before. So why all the attitude? Besides, Deenie was asking for more attention and for him to be there, not for him to workout for her so don't throw it back on her lap.

Overall it seems like Jackie's ego is way out of control. She's not taking the customer into account and all of this is going to blow up in her face.

Unknown said...

IMHO, I think Jackie is a poor owner/boss. Her handling of the situation with Peeler and his client with breast cancer was SAD!!! Peeler had every right to expect to be able to talk with her about what was said about his client! If she didnt have the time at the moment Peeler approached her, she should have had more understanding and calmly told him that she wanted to discuss it, just at a later time. She lost it and that was completely unprofessional. Nothing about her seems professional. I would never want to be a client at her facility!

Colette said...

Gregg and Erika would make an awesome couple. He blew it by hooking up with Renessa. Ugh, I can't stand her. Why Gregg, why??!! Erika deserves a good guy in her life, not a dog. He seems like kind of a dog.

tdpowell said...

I would just like to comment on the Peeler/Jackie situation. First of all, I have no idea what it is like to have cameras on you 24/7. It must be difficult. I have always admiered Jackie Warner and her trainers and as a viewer have watched every episode.

I was very suprised at how this situation was handled. Please know that I am not judging anyone on the show, but I feel as though it may have been a stupid decision to hire Lisa. Since she has been on the show, there has been more animosity among the staff and Jackie and the staff then any other season. I just can't beleive that Jackie would allow such childish behaviour from Lisa. She just strikes me as someone who walks around constantly with their foot in their mouth and influences Jackie. Jackie doesn't strike me as the type that lets others influence her. That is why I really feel like none of this would have happened if Lisa wouldn't have made the comment she did. Please realize I know we all make comments like that at one time or the other and that I know she appologized, but where is her head. She knows the cameras are on her.

I really feel like Jackie would have handled this differently if Lisa would not have been there. I am not saying that Brian was at all acting professional. He shouldn't have pressed the issue. However, Jackie was the first one to make a threat and you just don't tell someone that you are going to fire them and to get the &^%* out of your office. I don't care who you are.

Brian never assumed it was Jackie or even said that it was. Jackie should have explained the situation to Brian and handled it like a mature adult. I feel she used this as a situation to finally get Brian rowled up enough to have a reason to fire him. I know that haven't always been okay with each other, but Jackie has always been the one to say hey, you are a good trainer and this is not worth it to fire you. Brian should not have reacted the way her did either. After Kackie said those harsh words, he should have held it in and said okay, I will talk about this later.

On top of that, the other trainers made it out to look like Brian was threatening. I think they need to watch the footage. Brian didn't even yell or act angry until Jackie lashed out at him.

I feel like if Doug would have been there, non of this would have happened. He seemed to always help out. I just feel like the trainers and Jackie have let too much success get to their heads. Yes, Jackie worked hard for Sky Lab and her business and clothing line, BUT she would never be where she is without her trainers. She needs to remember that. Come back down to earth guys and remember why you are really on the Workout help people find their health and change lives, not your own.