Wednesday, June 18, 2008

LA Rag Mag leads the charge in dealing Bravo and Jackie Warner some heat

Work Out fans everywhere were excited about the premiere of Season 3 on Bravo this Spring. However, many fans have been turned off by some changes in the show, namely Jackie Warner herself. According to LA Rag Mag, Work Out fans are now petitioning to have the show pulled from Bravo's scheduling. Why? Jackie Warner herself.

As an avid fan of the show, I have to agree that Jackie has changed. And, not for the better. It seems that her arrogance has reached a new level and it became very apparent when she gave Brian Peeler the boot. Granted, I think Brian has his own issues to work out, but the way it was handled was definitely lacking of professionalism and, dare I say, respect.

LA Rag Mag has exposed the fact that I'm not alone in my growing resentment toward Jackie. I still believe she can be a positive role model for women all over, but I think her fame has gotten the best of her. I kept thinking to myself that I could simply be off base in my presumptions, but seeing that I'm not alone, reinforced them.

I still enjoy the show and watch it each Tuesday night. But, it's getting increasingly difficult to tolerate Jackie. Does anybody else feel this way?

Source: Fans Petition to Cancel Bravo's Workout and Jackie Warner (LA Rag Mag)